Scinterm API Documentation

A curses platform for Scintilla that supports curses platforms like ncurses.


Deletes the given Scintilla window.


Returns: void

scintilla_get_clipboard(sci, len)

Returns a null-terminated copy of the text on Scintilla’s internal clipboard (not the primary and/or secondary X selections) and stores its length in len.

The caller is responsible for freeing the returned text. Keep in mind clipboard text may contain null bytes.


Returns: char * clipboard text (caller is responsible for freeing it)


Returns the curses WINDOW associated with the given Scintilla window.


Returns: curses WINDOW.

scintilla_new(callback, userdata)

Creates a new Scintilla curses window.


Returns: Scintilla *


Refreshes the Scintilla window on the virtual screen.

This should be done along with the normal curses noutrefresh(). Note: the terminal cursor may be hidden if Scintilla thinks this window has focus (e.g. SCI_SETFOCUS) and Scintilla’s caret is out of view. If another non-Scintilla window has the real focus, call curs_set(1) in order to show the terminal cursor for that window.



Refreshes the Scintilla window on the physical screen.

This should be done along with the normal curses refresh(). Note: the terminal cursor may be hidden if Scintilla thinks this window has focus (e.g. SCI_SETFOCUS) and Scintilla’s caret is out of view. If another non-Scintilla window has the real focus, call curs_set(1) in order to show the terminal cursor for that window.


Returns: void

scintilla_send_key(sci, key, modifiers)

Sends the specified key to the given Scintilla window for processing.

If it is not consumed, an SCNotification will be emitted.


Returns: void

scintilla_send_message(sci, iMessage, wParam, lParam)

Sends the given message with parameters to the given Scintilla window.


Returns: sptr_t

scintilla_send_mouse(sci, event, button, modifiers, y, x)

Sends the specified mouse event to the given Scintilla window for processing.


Returns: bool whether or not Scintilla handled the mouse event.


Updates the curses window cursor for the Scintilla window so the terminal draws the cursor in the correct position.

This only needs to be called when scintilla_refresh() or scintilla_noutrefresh() is not the last curses draw command issued (for any window, not just the Scintilla window). Note: the terminal cursor may be hidden if Scintilla thinks this window has focus (e.g. SCI_SETFOCUS) and Scintilla’s caret is out of view. If another non-Scintilla window has the real focus, call curs_set(1) in order to show the terminal cursor for that window.


Returns: void